Private Giving for the Public Good

Awarded Grants

Making an Impact in our Community

From tiny acorns, mighty oak trees grow… it’s one of the miracles of this world. One day you might notice a tiny shoot coming up. You forget about it for a few years and the next time you look, there’s a young sapling. You start to notice the tree on a regular basis. It grows and grows and starts to provide shade and comfort to wildlife. You may never see the end of that tree’s life, but it continues to grow and provide more and more to the environment. It takes time, but it happens.

When The Eden Community Foundation was being organized we chose the oak and acorn as our logo because we hoped that, like the tree, the legacy we are creating for Eden would long outlive each of us individually. We are proud of the impact that the Foundation is  making in the Community.

The grants that are made through your generous donations are touching countless lives in various ways. It’s important work that is growing as our community grows and changes. It’s work that can only continue with your ongoing support.

Spring 2024 Awarded Grants

  • $9,727 to Eden Library for the purchase and installation of landscape plantings.
  • $10,109 to Town of Eden Recreation Department for the purchase of six AEDs at the town’s playing fields.
  • $5,000 to Eden Little Loop Football for concession building upgrades, and LED lighting at the Legion football fields.

Supporting Developing or Improving Spaces

Development of indoor or outdoor spaces for community activities.

Supporting Improving the Hamlet of Eden Center

For example, improving visual appearance, adding services for residents and visitors, revitalizing properties and preserving historic sites in the area on or near Main St., Church St., Green St. and Depot St.

Supporting  New Programs or Activities

These programs or activities should be for the enrichment of the lives of Eden residents.

Our Tree is Growing Well!

Since 2000, The Eden Community Foundation has awarded many grants. The groups that have benefited from grants have been varied and have had an impact across many age groups and interests.

Eden Community Foundation Grants Since 2000

Fake One
  • $500 to the Schools’ Central PTA for costs associated with a STEAM program for grades 3-6
  • $210 to support the Eden Central Schools’ purchase of yard signs for Raiders’ Response Day
  • $2000 (a matching grant) to the Schools’ Jr./Sr. High Athletic Dept. to replace banners in the high school gymnasium
  • $1000 to the Schools’ Music & Arts Booster Club to help establish their 501(c)3 status
  • $2000 to the Schools’ Lacrosse Program for a portable scoreboard
  • $500 to the Schools’ Model UN Club to help students attend an international competition in Chicago
  • $1848 to the Schools’ Jr/Sr High business department for purchase of a portable “smart” board to aid in classroom instruction
  • $500 to the Eden High School Model UN Club to help with travel expenses to state and national competitions
  • $2500 to the PTA Playground Committee that is working toward building a new playground at the Main Street School
  • $1200 to Eden Schools’ Drama Club for new stage curtains
  • $1000 to Eden Schools’ GLP for playground
  • $2500 to the Schools’ Music Department for new microphones and stage lights
  • $5000 to the Schools’ GLP for playground equipment for the pre-K program
  • $1200 to the Schools’ elementary building to help build a covered outdoor classroom
  • $1000 to the Schools’ District Shared Decision Making Team to purchase equipment and materials to be used by the Raiders Respond Committee
  • $1000 to the Schools’ Academic Competition Group to provide start-up costs for entry fees
  • $1200 to the Boys & Girls Club and the Schools for new basketball backboards at the Main Street School
  • $1000 to the Schools’ Music & Arts Booster Club to help establish their 501(c)3 status
  • $500 to the Eden Schools to support the display of artwork in local businesses
School Grants
  • $3925 to Eden All Sports Booster Club for the purchase of components to be used by the Schools’ Robotics Team.
  • $500 to the Schools’ Central PTA for costs associated with a STEAM program for grades 3-6
  • $210 to support the Eden Central Schools’ purchase of yard signs for Raiders’ Response Day
  • $2000 (a matching grant) to the Schools’ Jr./Sr. High Athletic Dept. to replace banners in the high school gymnasium
  • $1000 to the Schools’ Music & Arts Booster Club to help establish their 501(c)3 status
  • $2000 to the Schools’ Lacrosse Program for a portable scoreboard
  • $500 to the Schools’ Model UN Club to help students attend an international competition in Chicago
  • $1848 to the Schools’ Jr/Sr High business department for purchase of a portable “smart” board to aid in classroom instruction
  • $500 to the Eden High School Model UN Club to help with travel expenses to state and national competitions
  • $2500 to the PTA Playground Committee that is working toward building a new playground at the Main Street School
  • $1200 to Eden Schools’ Drama Club for new stage curtains
  • $1000 to Eden Schools’ GLP for playground
  • $2500 to the Schools’ Music Department for new microphones and stage lights
  • $5000 to the Schools’ GLP for playground equipment for the pre-K program
  • $1200 to the Schools’ elementary building to help build a covered outdoor classroom
  • $1000 to the Schools’ District Shared Decision Making Team to purchase equipment and materials to be used by the Raiders Respond Committee
  • $5000 to Eden Chamber of Commerce/Schools’ District Shared Decision Making Team for a digital sign at the Main Street School
  • $1000 to the Schools’ Academic Competition Group to provide start-up costs for entry fees
  • $1200 to the Boys & Girls Club and the Schools for new basketball backboards at the Main Street School
  • $1000 to the Schools’ Music & Arts Booster Club to help establish their 501(c)3 status
  • $500 to the Eden Schools to support the display of artwork in local businesses
  • $2200 to Eden Future Farmers of America for flower planters and plants for town-wide beautification project
  • $2000 to the Eden Community Garden, for raised planting beds on School grounds
  • $1500 to Eden Alumni Association for a bench in front of the Main Street School
Boys & Girls Club Grants
  • $2000 to the Boys & Girls Club for computers to be used at the front desk/control center
  • $2500 to Boys & Girls Club for outdoor sports facility
  • $1950 to the Boys & Girls Club to purchase equipment for its Healthy Habits Cooking Club
Community Organizations & Sports Grants
  • $5,000 to Eden Little Loop Football for concession building upgrades, and LED lighting at the Legion football fields.
  • $9,727 to Eden Library for the purchase and installation of landscape plantings
  • $1779 to Eden United Methodist Church for the purchase of an AED
  • $1000 to Eden Farmers Market for advertising and promotional items
  • $500 to Eden United Methodist Church for its Blessing Box, which provides cleaning and hygiene products
  • $1518.11 to Eden Quilt Guild for quilt display racks
  • $3000 to the Newell-Faulkner Post 880 American Legion for the purchase of a tent for increased outdoor event space
  • $5000 to the Newell-Faulkner Post 880 American Legion for parking lot maintenance
  • $3160 to Suburban Adult Services to improve exterior drainage at the Kazoo Factory and Museum
  • $2500 to the Eden Cemetery Association toward the purchase of a new mower
  • $900 to Active Citizens for Eden Seniors for stackable armchairs for the Erie County senior lunch program at St. John’s Community Church
  • $1000 to the Eden Garden Study Club to landscape and replant at the Legion’s Blue Star memorial marker on Main Street
  • $2600 to Eden Garden Study Club for new plantings and lighting at the Chamber Park
  • $1000 to Eden Library to purchase extra books for the Eden schools’ summer reading programs
  • $500 to Eden Quilt Guild for expenses related to advertising their quilt auction which benefited Roswell Park
  • $1500 to Eden Library for their “Bucks for Books” campaign which will go toward the purchase of new library materials
  • $1500 to Eden Library for technical equipment
  • $1400 to Eden Corn Festival documentary and workshop
  • $2500 to Eden Cemetery Association to install water service in Evergreen Cemetery
  • $1268 to the Eden Cemetery Association to purchase a road grader
  • $700 to the Eden Library to purchase archival boxes and albums to store library memorabilia
  • $1000 to Eden Garden Study Club for new, maintenance-free benches in the Chamber Park
  • $627.50 to the Eden Quilt Guild to build a custom case to hold the Eden Bicentennial Quilt
  • $1500 to Family Support Center for office furnishings
  • $2450 to fund the purchase of $350 of hand sanitizer equipment each, by St. John’s United Church of Christ, St. Paul’s Lutheran Church, Eden Boys & Girls Club, Newell-Faulkner Post 880, VFW Memorial Post 8265, Immaculate Conception Church and Eden United Methodist Church
  • $1000 to St. John’s United Church of Christ to supplement its Shurfine $20 voucher card program available at St. John’s, St. Paul’s, Immaculate Conception and Town Hall
Food Pantry & Meals on Wheels Grants
  • $1000 to the Eden/North Collins Food Pantry for an AED
  • $1800 to the Eden/North Collins Food Pantry for a new refrigerator
  • $4000 to Eden/North Collins Food Pantry for furnishing the waiting area and office of their new building
  • $1200 to the Eden/North Collins Food Pantry to purchase 300 washable, reusable face masks for its clientele
  • $1000 to Meals on Wheels to be used toward equipment to keep food warm for delivery in the Eden area
  • $2250 to Eden/North Collins Food Pantry for distribution equipment
    Chamber of Commerce Grants
    • $280 to the Chamber of Commerce to fund location maps for it 2021 town-wide garage sales
    • $1750 to the Chamber of Commerce for additional holiday lights in Eden and East Eden
    • $3000 to the Eden Chamber of Commerce to be used toward replacement of the roof on the Chamber barn on Legion Drive
    • $2000 to the Eden Chamber of Commerce to be used toward construction of a new sign near the Thruway entrance
    • $2000 to the Eden Chamber of Commerce for new Christmas lighting for the town
    • $3000 to the Eden Chamber of Commerce for LED holiday lights in the Hamlet
    Historical & Conservation Grants
    • $2500 to the Eden Historical Preservation Alliance for a trifold map of Eden’s historic sites and  for its history Treasure Hunt event
    • $1000 to Eden Historical Society for permanent Plexiglass panels to preserve second floor windows at Asa Warren House
    • $400 to Eden Conservation Advisory Board for materials for a second rain barrel workshop for Eden residents
    • $500 to the Eden Conservation Advisory Board for materials for the Town’s annual bluebird construction $5000 to the Welch Farm Museum for a portable ramp to improve accessibility to the house
    • $600 to Eden Historical Society for the production of a DVD on Eden history
    • $1500 to Eden Historical Society to be used toward the restoration of the Clarksburg School House
    • $1000 to Eden Historical Society for a flat-screen TV/DVD player for use in the Asa Warren House
    • $10,000 to Eden Bicentennial Committee to be used as needed in planning the Town bicentennial celebration in 2012
    • $2500 to the Eden Kazoo Museum for new carpet and signage in the visitor area
    • $1000 to community volunteers who will repair fences at the old Clarksburg Cemetery
    • $750 to Eden Historical Society for a new sign at the Asa Warren House
    • $3500 to the Eden Historical Society for new windows and clapboard repairs at Asa Warren House
    • $550 to the Eden Conservation Advisory Board to purchase materials for a rain barrel construction/water conservation workshop
    • $5000 for a new roof at Croops Mill
    Youth Program Grants
    • $500 to Lawtons Progressor’s 4-H Club for project supplies to benefit the residents of the Eden Rehabilitation and Nursing Center
    • $1456 to Eden Scout Troop 603 for the purchase of new camping tents
    • $500 to Eden Kinder Care for an outside pavilion
    • $1000 to Boy Scout Troop #603 to help defray the cost of a trailer that they can use to transport equipment for community projects
    • $5000 to Eden Sports Park group for preliminary architectural renderings
    • $750 to Eden Kinder Care to plant trees in their outdoor area
    • $3000 matching grant to Eden All Sports Booster Club for enclosed storage facilities for outdoor equipment
    • $2000 to Eden Athletic Association to construct a storage shed at Legion Field and repair the 3rd base line fencing
    • $1200 to Eden/North Collins Little Loop Football and Cheerleading to purchase 14 new helmets
    • $1000 to Eden Kindercare to add a safe, durable surface around their playground
    • $2000 to Eden/North Collins Little Loop Football for an AED for use at practices and games
    • $1000 to Eden Kinder Care to be used toward the purchase of new cribs
    • $4000 to the Eden Athletic Association to support the cost of erecting 4 dugouts at Swartz Field
    • $500 to the Eden/North Collins Little Loop Football for additional helmets
    • $1325 for a new planter at Gorcica Field in East Eden
    Town of Eden Grants
    • $10,109 to Town of Eden Recreation Department for the purchase of six AEDs at the town’s playing fields.
    • $5000 to the Town of Eden to purchase exercise equipment stations at the proposed running/walking path at Swartz Field
    • $16,092 to the Town of Eden to fund beautification in the Four Corners commercial area, including hanging baskets, planters, benches and bike racks
    • $2000 to the Town of Eden to provide hanging baskets, planters and benches to beautify Green and Depot Streets
    • $5000 to the Eden Historian’s office for archival boxes and storage
    • $3600 to Envision Eden for continued beautification of the downtown area
    • $3600 to the Town of Eden to fund a community center planning study
    • $1250 to the Town Recreation Department to support the Slow Roll Eden bicycle event
    • $5000 to Town of Eden for a community center feasibility study